About Us
Welcome to Taha Islamic Center

About Taha
Taha Islamic Center was established to fulfill the Muslim Community’s religious, educational, social, and cultural needs. The Islamic Center is open to all and we encourage everyone who wishes to learn about Islam or Muslims to make an appointment to better serve you. We are located at 1285 Hammerwood Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Please email ad***@ta*****.org in order to make any appointments or provide feedback.
Taha Islamic Center consists of :
Taha Islamic Center general body constitutes the Muslim residents of Sunnyvale and neighboring vicinity areas who are registered members of the Islamic Center and have paid annual membership dues in full. We are a growing Islamic Center in addition to the other established Islamic Centers in the area. Some of our Local Islamic center sites are mcabayarea.org, eicsanjose.org, and http://www.wvmuslim.org/. We have visiting scholars and muftis who guide and lead the community in all aspects of the Islamic faith. They hold many weekly or monthly family night sessions for members and clarify any questions the greater community has regarding Islam.
Pillar Of Islam

There is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammed (SAW) is the Messenger
Salah is the Islamic prayer consists of five daily prayers according to Sunna

Fasting (Siyam) are recognized by the Quran: Ritual fasting

Zakath is the practice of charitable giving based on accumulated wealth

Hajj is a pilgrimage that occurs during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah
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